Jun 25, 2019
EP011 - Announcements, News, and AB 5
The Vehicle 2.0 Podcast is back for the summer! Episode 11 is a news-focused episode, recorded on June 25th, 2019. We start off with an exciting piece of Spiffy news, which kept us busy during a several-week-long break. From there, Scot rounds up an...
Apr 25, 2019
EP008 - ICRS Recap and Industry News
Episode 8 is a news-focused episode, recorded on April 25th, 2019. We start off with a recap of last week’s International Car Rental Show (ICRS) from Karl Murphy, President and Co-Founder at Spiffy. After talking with Karl, Scot dives into a...
Mar 13, 2019
EP001 - Welcome to the Future of Vehicles
Episode 1 is primarily news-focused, with a concrete definition of what we will refer to as the “Vehicle 2.0 framework”; recorded on March 8th, 2019. Scot discusses a variety of topics, including:
Feb 26, 2019
Welcome to the Vehicle 2.0 Podcast with Scot Wingo, presented by Spiffy!
[01:03] Hi everyone, I am Scot Wingo, the host of Spiffy's Vehicle 2.0 Podcast. Today I wanted to give you a preview of what's coming up in our new podcast. We're going to be exploring all of the...